Monday, January 30, 2023

What's Happening on Hole 12?

 Over a year ago, the golf course was notified of a plan to widen 199th street along hole number 12.  The road project would include the removal of all of the trees that buffer between the green and the road.  A Golf Course Architect was brought in to design a plan that would create a replacement buffer that could be in place before the road construction begins.  The construction of this buffer is what's happening on hole 12.

A significant amount of fill is required for this project and is being harvested from the native grass area left of 11 green.  This material will be moved over to 12 and shaped to create mounds where trees will be planted.  The back left bunker on 12 green will get a new design so that it fits properly into the new mounding.

With the equipment on site, it was decided that now would be the right time to enlarge some of the tee boxes on 12 and 14.  The new tees should provide enough teeing ground to keep the grass in better condition. 

With good weather, the entire project should be completed in March.